Consult with your instructor on the direction of your paper.
Visit your Personal Librarian or another Librarian to provide guidance on locating information and resources to help you refine your topic.
Step Five
Read and Evaluate Information
Keep track of your sources and record the citation information as you go.
Set up a PowerNotes account. You can use PowerNotes to help you save, annotate, organize, and cite your sources. Make sure to use your Wilson email to set up your account. Download the browser extension to help you take notes on your sources quickly and easily.
See a librarian for citation help.
Evaluate the gathered information for your research:
Have you answered the questions: What, Why, Where, When, How?
Are you on track?
Consult with your instructor on the direction of your paper.
Visit your Personal Librarian or another Librarian to provide guidance on locating information and resources to help you refine your topic.
Work with a Writing Lab tutor if you feel like you want to make sure you’re still on track.
Step Six
Create Your Outline
Organize your ideas.
Organize your notes.
Outline the format of your paper.
In PowerNotes you can create a project board for each of your research assignments. This board will help you began to organize your ideas and formulate an outline for your papers. This will help facilitate your transition from the research to the writing process.
Work with a Writing Lab tutor if you feel like you want to make sure you’re still on track.
Step Seven
Write the First Draft
Writing lab tutors are available to help you get started or work through writer’s block. Visit the Academic Success Center website to learn more.
Step Eight
Conduct Additional Research as Necessary
Reread your assignment.
Keep looking for more resources that support your thesis or argument.
Are you on track?
Consult with your instructor on the direction of your paper.
Schedule a Research Paper Consultation with your Personal Librarian. Email if you do not know who your Personal Librarian is.
Step Nine
Revise and Rewrite: Second Draft
Complete bibliography.
See a librarian for citation help.
Step Ten
Proofread Your Paper
Look for spelling and grammatical errors.
Does your paper fulfill the assignment requirements?
The Writing Lab can help you learn proofreading strategies, and you can visit their website more information.
Final review.
Step Eleven
Final Draft
Write the final draft of your paper.
The Writing Lab can be an extra pair of eyes to be sure that you’ve fulfilled the assignment requirements.
Step Twelve
Assignment Due Date
Submit your paper!
To save: On Google Chrome, from the print screen select save as .pdf to save your schedule.